Too Much To Do

time already spent
my endless
to-do list


two weeping willows
a backyard hammock
her mood swings

Join Renée LaTulippe at No Water River for Poetry Friday this week!

Earth Day Advice

plant a tree
pick up trash
save a bee
compost mash

walk or bike
do not drive
skate or hike
we'll all thrive

do your part
use less plastic
recycled art
Earth fantastic

Counting Down

7 - 8 - 9
by the numbers

Allergy Attack

Blossoming Bougainvillea,
blooming Palo Verde trees -
desert spring is in full swing
and I sneeze
                  and sneeze
                               and sneeze.

Jury Duty

hurry, hurry
can't be late
then sit all day
wait, wait, wait

Garden Clean Up

clip branches
pull up weeds
out of breath
sweat beads

stubborn stem
full force tug
giant slug

Today I was inspired to incorporated the word "surprise" into my poem by Mary Lee Hahn at
 A Year of Reading and her PO-EMotion challenge.

Check out all the amazing Poetry Friday offerings at The Poem Farm.